ooooo - feministist server [S14]

The digital "Now" forces us to reasses profoundly our technologies. Do we want networking infrastructure, online platforms, clouds, social communications and services developed by the large companies (GAFAM/BATX) or are we striving to net neutrality? Are we admitting to this commercial security state or can we have agency in our collected data and digital profiling? By running servers? And what are the geo-political, material-ecological, psychosocial effects of those virtual machines embbedded in data centers? Are they biased? Are they excluding us or are there any digital solidarity networks?

Consciously looking for care, prevention, knowledge, insight and critical ability to build resistance. That's healthier.

2 DEC 14:00 Oude Badhuis, Borgerhout

Digitale weerbaarheid - Documentatie

9 SEPT 11:00 + 20:30 vuurwerk - Herentalsebaan 504 Deurne

Internet tools and dat in eigen beheer

25 SEPT 13:00 - Hertsdeinstraat 13


During this session, you learn to recognize digital violence, feel and know how to protect yourselves.

10 NOV 10:00-17:00

^Projectweek 9& atelier sessions Bring your "digital, binary devices" and also a pair of scissors, rope and paper and stifts or some writing/knitting, cut and paste material

Richtlijnen tot samenwerking

Richtlijnen voor Samenwerking - korte versie - constant vzw

Working aids

Links, documentation, references

Our own server

Upload content
naar de cloud:

Our collaborative
writing block

ooooo is a transuniversal constellation that initiates, mediates and facilitates, curates and appropriates projects, abducing thought, reflection and praxis on relevant issues. ooooo is hosted by Marthe Van Dessel, an activist and performer who creates interfaces, devices & protocols to instigate our urban and institutional hardware. She engages in the administrative, cultural, socio-political dimension of personal and collective identities. By triggering intersubjective alliances she confronts the 'self & other' to the commons, co-authorship and the redistribution into the public domain.